Emergency Preparedness Tips (COVID-19)

Tips for Covid emergency preparedness.

people wearing face coverings

Tips for responding to COVID-19 Outbreak

Simple Affirmations…

  • You are having a normal reaction to an unusual situation

  • It is common to feel uncertainty during a new and changing situation

  • Trust that there are experts who have been preparing for, and are currently working on this

  • We can learn from other states experience, especially as they start to heal from this illness

  • Events are cancelled to “slow the curve” or reduce the number of new infections

  • As much as you can, stay home – take this as an invitation to slow down

  • Talk to your work to see what possibilities there are for telecommuting or schedule changes

  • Focus on what is within your control (e.g., not touching your face, washing your hands, limiting your consumption of news)

  • You get to decide what is right for you

  • Get some fresh air—even if you are practicing social distancing

  • Challenge yourself to stay in the present

  • Stay connected and reach out when you need more support

Tips for helping people process without giving unsolicited advice…

  • What are you thinking and feeling?

  • How does COVID 19 affect you, your family, or your work?

  • What are you most worried about?

  • What are the best case scenarios?

  • Where do you need more information?

“BRAIN” for informed decision-making…

Whether or not to host an event, whether or not to travel:

  • What are the Benefits?

  • What are the Risks?

  • What are my Alternatives?

  • What is my Intuition telling me?

  • What if I say, No, Not Now?

Tips for Individual/ Family Preparedness…

If you were going to stay home for a few weeks, what would you need to take care of the people or pets in the home?

Stock up on necessary supplies:

  • Prescriptions/medicine

  • Household items

  • Nonperishable food

  • Pet care

  • Activities and self-care

  • Who would take care of who? 

  • What would be reasonable steps you can take?

  • What resources are available to you that you might call upon?

Tips for Systems’ Preparedness…

Steps your organization could take to limit widespread community spread -

  • Consider telecommute or staggered hour work arrangements for employees

  • Limit the number of staff who are not directly involved in patient care

  • Reiterate sick policy, and encourage staff who are sick to stay home

  • Maximize the use of personal protective equipment, refer to CDC guidelines

  • Assign a designated part of the facility for anyone who is known to have COVID 19

  • Consider when text or phone follow-up is possible, instead of an in-person visit

  • Consider what visits can be postponed and/or canceled

  • Explore what virtual offerings could be added (e.g., group classes, telehealth)

  • Add Plexiglas or Glass barriers at check-in and/or triage

  • Practice social distancing (a few yards between patients)

  • Consider evaluating patient remotely and/or have patients wait in car or outside before they are called into their visit

  • Consider increasing your environmental cleaning and disinfection (initial viral persistence studies of COVID 19 show multiple hour viral persistence)