More than an acronym, we are MACMHP
The Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs.
Innovative Providers of Mental and Chemical Health Care
Minnesota’s Mental and Chemical Health Safety Net
A statewide network
We are a statewide network of 36 community-based mental health programs that serve over 200,000 Minnesotans every year.
Our mission is to serve all who come to us seeking mental and chemical health services, regardless of their insurance status or their ability to pay. We serve culturally diverse, low-income, uninsured and public healthcare program Minnesotans, who cannot access services elsewhere. Community Mental Health Programs provide wrap-around and community-based services to very complex and vulnerable patients, with love and coordinated care.
Guiding Principles: Belief, Purpose, Pursuits
Access to high-quality mental and chemical health services is vital to realizing whole health and well-being for every Minnesotan.
Lead the transformation of the healthcare system so everyone has access to high-quality, community-based services.
Advocate for our members and their clients with the legislature, stakeholders, and the public.
Drive innovation to create a more equitable ad sustainable system through service delivery and payment reform.
Collaborate and connect to elevate high-quality, whole-person care and to develop innovative care models.
Join us
Join as an affiliate member, donate, or help us create an impact at the Minnesota Capitol.